We have a PWA!

Jordan Miracle
1 min readJun 7, 2021

We actually have an a progressive web app that can be installed. Very exciting for me. This will make it even more encouraging for clients who visit the page. They can either install the app straight to their device, or they can at least have the more convenient experience of not having to go into the browser on their mobile device just to check out the site.

I have improved the performance a bit, bit it still is not where I want it.

The good news is, that I am basically ready to launch. The client wanted to change a few images, so that gives me some time while they are on vacation. I can work on various things to improve the app.

I may actually do a test run on deploying the app to my own Ubuntu server. See how that goes. I could use something that provides PAAS, such as Heroku, but if I can manage it, I would rather run it on something like digital ocean where I have more control.



Jordan Miracle

Software Developer helping others realize their goals of a sustainable, equitable, thriving civilization for every human being.