Need a break

Jordan Miracle
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Life is insane right now. I haven’t said anything personal in any of the past blog posts (they will be posted soon, I have to manually add in all of them from the past few months), it’s been all work. My dad died. Didn’t know him, but I’m still next of kin, so I’m responsible for things. There’s a whole long story there, and it just gives me a lot to think about. Found family I never knew I had (they even had pictures of me as a child..bizarre) This project for Jumping Protein/GCET is the most rewarding opportunity in my life up to this point, and although there is no deadline, I have inadvertently self-imposed some amorphous blob of a deadline. I know I’m making good progress, but between all of my classes, 2 huge projects, the new family thing, work, a road trip coming up.. I’m worn a bit thin. The stress made me sick and I got a head cold. I’m just beat. Taking a break from anything that is not mandatory or due this weekend.

As for the project: Testing out what type of design I am going to use for the Blog. I’ve been going back and forth, adding and removing blocks of CSS, and even trying some third party frameworks. Not sure if I am going to go with Bootstrap, or try to have something that goes more with the feel of the rest of the site. The blog is more of a functional, informational tool for Esnath to use, so I think as long as I get the right vibe, it will be alright.

Also, spent a few more hours trying to learn Linux servers. Once I eventually get it down, what with all of the config files, and how Django settings work with them, and trying to integrate S3 buckets for media.. It will be great. I can fire up server and just manage what I want to deploy myself instead of having to pay Heroku or something. Probably going to spend a couple more days on this.



Jordan Miracle

Software Developer helping others realize their goals of a sustainable, equitable, thriving civilization for every human being.